Course Adjustment
Prior to this whole journey beginning, many of you know that Kim and I had been on a health journey that had taken us down many different roads. This journey is what greatly influenced our initial response to my diagnosis. After being diagnosed, we spent many hours researching possible treatments and, after fervent prayer and fasting, we decided to pursue treatment via the alternative route. While not a lot of people agreed with our decision, we felt good about it. That being said, I think we took our "feeling good" too far. As I've reflected on those initial days, I've come to realize that I took things too far and became, in a sense, arrogant. I wanted to prove people wrong, especially the medical industry. The first oncologist that I met with scoffed at the idea of anything but the drugs he had to offer helping me fight my cancer. I, however, knew better. If I could change one thing about those first several months, I would have kept in contact with an oncologist a...