The Real Source of Inspiration...

A comment was made to me last night that has been made to me a few times over the past year or so. While the comment is a generous compliment, it has never sat well with me and I've struggled to know how to respond. This morning, I felt pressed to share... This journey with cancer has been difficult at times and some people tell me how inspiring I am to them. Very kind. But here is the truth: I have tried to endure the trials of my life on my own in the past. I failed miserab ly every time and was miserable while doing it. If I were to try and survive this trial of cancer on my own, the person you would see on a daily basis would be a shell of a man. The real inspiration in this journey? The one that truly deserves the praise? Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. It is only through the strength and peace they afford me that I am able to manage each day. It is only through their mercy that I can smile and endure this. The only good decision I'...