Third ER Visit and Second Set of Seizures

Here's a bit of a recap...

On April 2nd, I had a small tumor, that had grown in size over the course of two consecutive MRI's, irradiated. I didn't experience any issues following the treatment until April 20th. On April 20th, I experienced several small seizures that resulted in a major seizure shortly after arriving at the ER. I was then transferred to Huntsman Cancer Institute for testing and monitoring.

It was determined that the tumor was likely the cause of the seizure. Typically, tumors will swell after being irradiated as part of the dying off process. I was placed on steroids and anti seizure meds.

On May 11th, a few days after getting off of the steroid, I was readmitted to the ER after struggling a few days with headaches, fever, nausea, etc. No seizures, but back on the steroid for two weeks.

Now for the update...

On Wednesday, May 27th, I finished up my steroids again. We wondered what would happen. Like clockwork, on Friday, I was exhausted and rather fatigued. Then, the headache began to set in. Then, on Sunday, May 31st, I went back to the ER after experiencing some mild seizures during the day. The ER doctor put me back on the steroids, which I hate, but I understand the need for them when swelling around the tumor causes these issues. The next day, I continued having very mild seizures and occasional pain at the tumor site after restarting the steroids. The on call oncologist said it can take some time for the swelling to go down after restarting the steroids. Fortunately, no more seizures after Monday and only occasional headaches.

The ER doctor did prescribe me an antibiotic to help prevent pneumonia. Unfortunately, Thursday night I didn't sleep at all. I laid in bed all night without ever falling asleep. My body had been experiencing some of the rare side effects of the antibiotic, so I stopped taking it. Fortunately, last night, I got about 11 hours of GOOD sleep! It was wonderful. I've decided that listening to my body and following my gut on some of these prescriptions is important to my overall health. I don't do drastic things, but I'm comfortable making slight adjustments.

On Thursday, June 4th, I went up north to get another brain MRI to see what is going on. I spoke with the doctor yesterday and was able to read through the results. There is good and not so good about the MRI results...


No new tumors! Yay! AND two tumor shrunk! Double yay!

Not so good:

The pesky tumor that's likely caused problems has increased in size from 1.1 x 1.7 cm to 2.6 x 2.7 cm and has a lot of swelling around it. That is quite the enlargement of the tumor, which is surprising. No midline shift, but the fact they even mention that means the changes must be significant with this tumor. I will meet with the neurosurgeon on Tuesday to discuss options moving forward. They think this might just be a result of radiation. So we will see. I am currently on steroids, so the amount of swelling gives me some pause for concern. I had been on steroids for about 4 solid days before the MRI, so I wouldn't have anticipated that much swelling still, but we will see what the neurosurgeon says. I still have sporadic shots of pain where the tumor is, so who knows what's going on and what will happen. We just roll with the punches and deal with things as they come!

Elder M. Joseph Brought said the following:

"The Lord requires that we overcome challenges, and He has indicated "that all these things shall give [us] experience, and shall be for [our] good."

I am grateful for the trials I have faced in this life. Some I caused through poor choices. Some were caused by others. Some have been a natural occurrence due to the way this life is designed.
No matter the cause, they have all taught me and helped me grow. I am grateful for the manner in which they have brought me closer to my Father in Heaven, to my Savior, to the Holy Ghost, and to those around me.
I know God is aware of each of us. I know the power of the Atonement is real. I know our trials can strengthen us if we allow them to.

