Fight For Eternity!

Ryan and I have been cramming information for the last week.  It's exhausting for my little brain to keep up, but Ryan is brilliant and yearns for more.  He is a sponge and knows that knowledge is power.

I got home from work the other day, and what he said to me was so profound.  He said, "We have been reading, and studying around the clock for a week now, trying to make the best decision for me to fight for my life.  Can you imagine if we (and everybody else) spent this much time reading the Book of Mormon and studying the gospel, fighting for eternal life?

Why don't we?

We had a discussion on how it is so much more important to fight for eternal salvation, so that we can live with our Father in Heaven again someday.  This life, no doubt, is important, but when we stop and look at the big picture, eternity is what matters most.  We were sent to this earth to get a physical body, learn, grow, and become more like Him.  Time on this earth, is just a blink of an eye compared to forever.  Nothing in this world is more important, or should ever take precedents  over doing the things that will save us forever.  It quickly put things into perspective for me.

I love Ryan's outlook on life and I am grateful for his wisdom and willingness to share it.  I'm grateful for his testimony and the example he is to all of us.  Let's not just fight cancer so urgently, let's read, pray, and study this gospel like our lives depend on it, because they do!



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