Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel

September 13, 2018

It's update time... On Friday I met with an oncologist. He went over our options and looked me over. He said there was a chance that the lymph node removed was the only spot of cancer. He didn't see anything that concerned him. This, obviously, raised our hopes. I went in for a PET scan on Tuesday and we received the results today...

The good news is that the cancer has not spread to any vital organs. My lungs, brain, kidneys, etc are all clear of cancer at the moment. The bad news is that there were four other tumors found in my body. One in my left upper chest (very small), one in my left upper arm bone, and then two in my abdomen. The two in my abdomen are slightly bigger. One is probably the size of an almond and the other slightly bigger.

The belief is that the malignant melanoma has metastasized and is spreading throughout my body. My uncle said that he would classify me as being between Stage 3 and Stage 4. Neither one is the greatest...but it is what it is!

I have yet to receive a prognosis from my doctor, but to be honest the prognosis doesn't really matter to me. If I were to go the conventional treatment route, I would be given probably a 10-25% chance of making it 5 years at this point. However, Kim and I have done a lot of research into alternative methods that have much higher success rates. We will likely be heading to Mexico in the next couple of weeks to begin treatment.

No matter what happens, I am optimistic about getting through this. This is nothing more than a slight bump in the road. I have felt confident, hopeful, and peaceful even before I was diagnosed. Those feelings persist. I believe I have a work to do here on the earth and my time is not up.

I have been humbled by all of the love and support that my family and I have received. Please keep us in your prayers. I know God hears them.



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