Small but BIG changes

I always knew that the microwave was bad for us, but I didn't realize HOW BAD!

One of the things that the Hoxsey clinic forbids, is microwave use.  When you microwave your food, it changes the molecular structure and makes it unrecognizable to your body.  Crazy right???

Ryan and I have been doing food prep of very healthy meals for years now.  We make them up for several days at a time, place them in plastic containers, and stack them in the refrigerator.  Each and every time we heated our food using the microwave.  We were completely defeating our purpose without even knowing it.  Live and learn right?  We are always learning and trying to improve.

Small, but BIG changes we have made recently............

*We took the microwave out of our house!  GONE, GONE, GONE!

*We are using less plastic.  We try to drink and eat out of stainless steel, ceramic, or glass.

*We are distilling our water now.  It's terrifying to see what we have been drinking in our tap water!

   Ryan needs to keep his body at a 6.5-7.5 PH level.  Distilled water is a 7.

* We bought a juicer, and plan on buying a wheat grinder and a bread maker.  Back to the basics!         

 We HAVE to know EXACTLY what is in Ryan's food.  The smallest amount of pork, vinegar, tomatoes, or alcohol will neutralize the cancer treating tonic (for two days). 

It's surprising to see all products with these ingredients in them.   Some are not so easy to find replacements for.

That's all for now folks :)

Until next time, over and out good buddy!



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