Additional Treatments

Well... It's been a little while since I've posted. Life got slightly hectic for a minute there, but things seem to be slowing down a little bit. We just had end of the year banquets the last couple of days and that means Fall activities are over with.

You know, one of the comments that I get most frequently when people ask me how I'm doing is "Well you sure look good! What are you doing?". It's sad to me that we automatically assume that cancer patients are going to significantly deteriorate health-wise due to the treatment. Why is it that we are okay with the treatment destroying our bodies? We shouldn't be. Treatments are supposed to help and heal the body. Conventional cancer treatments don't do that... We utilize radiation (side-effects include permanent lung and heart damage), chemotherapy (which ravages your immune system, despite needing it because you're...uh...sick with cancer and usually it doesn't even kill the cancer, it just removes the tumor), and immunotherapy (which can ramp up your immune system so much that it actually attacks your own organs. One clinical study showed over half of immunotherapy recipients had major side effects and 20% quit the study due to the severity of the side effects). When we fail to educate ourselves on the options that exist in this world, we relegate ourselves to being nothing more than pawns in a big game. As my wife and I have educated ourselves on what's really out there, we no longer feel trapped and resigned to doing what we're told we must do.

With that being said, I wanted to just share that I'm doing great. My energy is great, I feel great, and my outlook is great. Sometimes I question if I really do have cancer, but then I feel the tumor on my chest and I'm reminder I really do.. I attribute my current state to a handful of factors... First and foremost, my faith in God. I know He is aware of me and that no matter what happens I can turn to Him for peace and strength. Second, I feel empowered. I am choosing my course of treatment. Being in control of how I'm treating my cancer provides me with peace of mind. I've done the research and made a decision based on what I believe will help me the most. Finally, I'm doing all natural treatments that don't involve toxic chemicals or chemicals manufactured in a lab somewhere. I believe God provides us with what we need to live happy, healthy lives, including that which we need to combat disease and sickness.

As was mentioned in the title, I have added a couple of items to my daily regimen. The first item that was added came about because of a friend of ours. Kim went through the academy with Jared Greene. After Jared heard about my cancer, he told us that his dad is a naturopathic doctor in Montana and that he has an American Indian Tea that he sells to people who are sick because of the healing properties it has exhibited. After looking into things further, I decided to add it to my treatments. The tea came about because American Indians observed sick animals eating this particular mushroom. The sick animals would be healed and, as a result, the herb was implemented for healing. The mushroom grows on dying or dead evergreen trees in Montana. It has many healing properties, but the two big ones are detoxification and stimulation of neutrophils. My body became too toxic for my immune system to handle, which is why the cancer has spread. The additional detoxification the tea provides will help me clean up my system. When the tea hits my liver, it signals the liver to stimulate production and release of neutrophils from the bone marrow. Neutrophils are white blood cells that attack infections.

The other item I have added to my daily regimen is something Kim has wanted for a while. Probably around a year ago Kim came across the Kangen water system. She researched it a bit and wanted to get one. However, it's a somewhat expensive machine. We needed a roof, a new breaker box installed, and various other expenses that I felt were more pressing. As a result, I was reluctant to get one. After I was diagnosed with cancer, we decided to look into it more. I was instructed to drink alkaline water by my doctor because cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Kim said the Kangen water can provide me with what I need. However, two issues arose... After I researched alkaline water, I decided drinking it would not be beneficial for me due to the minerals in the water that can cause issues. Second, I misunderstood what the water machine did... I thought it produced alkaline water, but it doesn't. It produces alkalyzed water. There are no minerals added to the water. Instead, the water is run over ionized titanium plates and the molecular structure of the water is changed. So, while the pH level of the water is changed, it isn't through the addition of minerals. Once I learned this and did some additional research into the health benefits, I decided I needed one. There are a handful of health properties provided by this water... First, it helps to clean up free radicals. Through the ionization process, it produces ionized oxygen molecules that help eliminate free radicals by joining up with them in our body. Second, the molecular structure change produces much small molecules. This allows the molecules to more easily penetrate the cell wall. This leads to more efficient hydration of the body and more efficient elimination of toxins. Third, and probably most importantly, it is an extreme antioxidant. If you watch an apple, for example, after it is cut and left to sit, the oxidization of the apple leads it to rot. An antioxidant will do the opposite. It will help preserve the apple. Similarly, our bodies need antioxidants to help us remain healthy. This water, acting as a significant antioxidant, will help heal my body. Aside from the health benefits of drinking it, the machine also produces various levels of pH water that can be used for many things. For instance, it produces 2.5 pH water that acts as an anti-bacterial solution. You can use it to clean your kitchen, bathroom, and anything else. It can also be used as an anti-bacterial soap, to treat sore throats, pink-eye, general sicknesses and infections. It will produce 11.5 pH water that acts as an emulsifier and can replace your laundry detergent. It produces 6.0 water that is similar to rain water and can be used for cleaning and toning skin. Anyway, there are countless uses from this machine. We're excited to have it. The most important part, though, is the way the water helps heal bodies. If you're interested in learning more, check out the video at this site...

So... Things are going well. I'm excited to continue with the two new treatments. The best part about the two new treatments is this... Because I have several layers of treatment going on, I can afford to skip my tonic for a couple of days so I can eat PIZZA!! Wahoo! I still haven't done that yet, but I'm sure I will before too long.

I'm grateful for my wife and her willingness to let me do what I feel needs to be done to treat my cancer. I truly am optimistic and I don't fear. Elder Andersen gave a great talk about being "Wounded" during this last General Conference. He sums up why I don't fear very well. I encourage and invite you to watch his short talk.
Dried Mushrooms for American Indian Tea

American Indian Tea
Kangen Water System


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