Best Christmas Present Ever

After Ryan's cancer diagnosis, I have progressively become more protective of him.  I know that if he pushes too hard, or if he were to slip and fall, that his recovery would lessen.  I want to give him the absolute best shot ever, and for that reason I have restricted him from climbing in trees and on the roof.

For many years now, it has been Ryan's tradition to put lights on the house Thanksgiving day.  Well, this Thanksgiving, time and energy were lacking for all of us and the lights, well.....just didn't get done :(

Two weeks before Christmas, I recognized that I was trying to protect Ryan physically, but I really wasn't taking very good care of his heart.  He genuinely was affected by having no lights up and said "It just doesn't feel like Christmas".....  I knew I needed to do something quickly, because we were running out of time.

Very rarely, will I ask for help, but I this time I did.  I needed help, for Ryan.  I called some trusted friends, and they were excited at the opportunity to make a grown man smile his biggest.  

Ryan had some errands to run up North, and we had a very short window of time to plaster the place.... and plaster we did! Tons of friends showed up with ladders, extension cords, and even their own lights.  They jumped in and went to work.  Ryan must have broken the law and drove too fast, because he arrived home just at the tail end of it.  

At first, he was concerned that something was wrong, with the large crowd at our home, but quickly realized that lights were everywhere.  As he exited the car, everybody clapped and shouted for him.  Tears quickly filled his eyes as he explained of his gratefulness for their love.  

Cancer sucks, and sure, our lives have changed.  But this life truly is what we make it, and it is really really good!  I cant explain the feeling we all felt that day, working together, laughing, having a good time, and coming together for a truly amazing person who we love so much.  Our hearts will never be the same!

A huge thanks to everybody who came together, and unselfishly sacrificed time out of your busy lives to give what Ryan says was "THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT WE COULD HAVE GIVEN HIM".




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