MRI Results and Surgery
Earlier this week I was able to speak with my radiation oncologist about the results of my spinal MRI. The purpose of the MRI was to determine if there were any visible signs of Leptomeningeal Disease. I was able to read through the reports before I spoke with her, but it's always better, in my opinion, to hear it from the doc. There were no visible signs of the disease in my spine, which is great news. That doesn't mean that I don't have the disease, it simply means that if I do have the disease it has not progressed to the point of causing serious issues. We had originally discussed doing a Lumbar Puncture if the MRI came back negative. The Lumbar Puncture would remove some of my cerebrospinal fluid and actually examine it for cancer cells. However, as I noted previously, I have already declined the traditional form of treatment and the treatment that my doctor has recommended if I do have the disease. Because whole brain radiation is off of the table, a formal diagnosi...